Thursday, December 09, 2010

Besuch in Berlin

The band has been visiting Berlin for a few weeks.

Van Credenza ist in Berlin, dieser Song repräsentiert ihren Besuch. Aktuelle Neben der Band Biscuit Ansprüche mehrsprachig sein, und er hat den deutschen Texten auf diese Nummer trug, unter Vertrauen aus dem Rest der Band, die geschickter an Disziplinen außer Sprachen sind. Alle waren mit der deutschen Hauptstadt, die einen Einfluss auf den Song und Video hier war beeindruckt, die rasende Stimmung in einigen Vierteln der Gegenüberstellung der ruhigen Charakter von anderen. Bei einem Besuch, versuchte verschiedene Mitglieder in die Häuser der Hertha, Union, BFC und Tennis, Großstadt Fußballvereine zu besuchen. Eine fantastische Besuch in den Bau dieses Lied gipfelte, 'Besuch in Berlin ", und die dazugehörige Film.

(English translation below film)

Van Credenza has been in Berlin, this song representing their visit. Recent addition to the band Biscuit claims to be multilingual, and he has contributed the German lyrics to this number, under trust from the rest of the band who are more adroit at disciplines other than languages. All were impressed with the German capital city, which was an influence on the song and video here, the frenzied atmosphere in some quarters contrasting the calm character of others. While visiting, various members attempted to visit the homes of Hertha, Union, BFC and Tennis, major city soccer clubs. A fantastic visit culminated in the construction of this song, ‘Besuch in Berlin’, and the accompanying film.

Van Credenza fuerit in Berlin, repraesentans istud salutandi. Recent praeter manum Biscuit multilingual operto et Germaniae contulit ad hunc numerum lyrics sub fide ab aliis cohortis qui sunt in disciplinis solerti alia lingua. All impressus cum Germanis urbs, quae valent ad carminis video hic aer furenti opponens aliis partibus character tranquillo aliorum. Uisitantem, conatus membris visitare domos Hertha vnionem et BFC Tennis major soccer fustibus civitate. Visita culminavere mirabilem constructionem in canticum, Besuch in Berlin 'et sequentibus film.

Other languages on request.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Hanham 56

Hanham 56

This heavy number features our new vocalist (he insists he is not a singer) Biscuit. There are lyrics, but see if you can work them out for yourself: then you might understand where all that cash is coming from.

Gloucester, 1956: pennies and halfpennies fell down on children in Hanham as they were returning home from school. Money appearing seemingly out of nowhere...................... there have been many instances of these phenomena recorded throughout the world, from Meshchera in Russia in 1940, through Limburg (Germany), 1970, and recently in Camelon (November 2010).

Credit here in the film to the influence of James McDonald, the artist who witnessed the Camelon occurrences.


Friday, October 29, 2010

Free Time

Free Time: in stereophonic sound and 3D!

Free Time is an aspect of life that most people enjoy: and so do Van Credenza!

Here is our latest offering, which utilises a new instrument invented by us in our free time, the guitar saxophone. This pioneering number, in stereophonic sound, also offers a fantastic 3D experience to the viewer: simply place your favoured hand upright on the edge of your nose, and allow each eye to focus on one half of the screen.

Give it time: the 3D effect requires the brain to realise what the eyes are familiarising themselves to.

How are you spending your Free Time?


Monday, October 18, 2010

Time Machine

This happened 115 years ago.
After a Time Traveller escaped from the Morlocks, he finds himself in the distant future of an unrecognisable Earth, populated with furry, hopping herbivores. He stuns or kills one with a rock, and upon closer examination realises they are probably the descendants of cross breed humans/Eloi/Morlocks. The Morlocks originally fed on the Eloi, but also mated with them, as did, latterly, the humans. A gigantic, centipede-like arthropod approaches and the Traveller flees into the next day, finding that the creature has apparently eaten the tiny humanoid.
And this happened 115 years ago.........................................


Friday, October 01, 2010

Bacterial Circuit Machine

Can a microbe be coaxed to communicate? Interfacing one with a silicon chip may just achieve this breakthrough! Chips could be developed to collect signals from specially altered bacteria. The concept may be surprisingly rugged. Microbes thrive in a wide range of environments, so it's possible that this idea may have vast applications in space, and implications for time travelling.

Scientists working for NASA claim to have the ability to teleport into parallel but dissimilar life forms, which they claim is the key to travelling through time.

See this married couple, yet one appears to be a lion!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Micro Mechano Fractal Construction

By 2040, a process for building actual self similar rough, fragmented geometric shapes at a micro level may have become possible. These simple and recursively defined objects will appear similar at all levels of magnification, and could have useful applications across many branches of science. It’s just that we don’t know, yet, how valuable this development will be to future generations. Van Credenza appears to have an idea.................


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Human Memory Download

Some time in the near future, scientists will be able to take reminiscences from a human brain and store them digitally, for others to experience. This is likely to be a long and painful process for the memory supplier, yet it may have logical benefits for that person.

Sufferers of Alzheimer's disease could have their brain reseeded, or the patient which has undergone trauma resulting in loss of memory could be given a jolt from their past. Dementia is the loss of cognitive functioning—thinking, remembering, and reasoning—to such an extent that it interferes with a person’s daily life and activities: yet these persons too could be helped by taking part in human memory download in advance of the onset of such an illness.

This piece reflects an important medical development: it is also a long and painful process.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Global Voting

(Van Credenza continues to look into the future)

A small unit recognising your palm print, located within your home....placed there by operatives from the world government. You can freely vote on every important issue which arises by pressing the correct button, as it happens! Remember to press the correct button.

This is the sound it makes.................................


Friday, September 10, 2010

Prison Countries

Prison Countries

In the first of a new series of extrapolative technological work, Van Credenza looks to the future and predicts scientific changes which may or may not benefit the world’s population.




Grain Coast



Bourbon Island



Upper Volta




Soviet Union





Friendly Islands

New Spain


All of the above were at one time 'Prison Countries'. They changed names to avoid the stigma and shame such a legacy would convey. But, what if, in the future........?


Monday, September 06, 2010

Rebel Rebel

Davy Jones tells us why he wrote 'Rebel Rebel':

"Bryce Willis, father of one of our friends and associates, was a documentarian to the Royal Family over 50 years ago. Peculiarly, and despite his name, he was also an Austro-Hungarian, who harboured a grudge against royalty due to his own family being slighted as a commoner group. Willis was part of the Chotek family, and Sophie Chotek, although married to Franz Ferdinand, was not allowed to share her husband's rank, title, or privileges; as such, she would not normally appear in public beside him. She was supposedly not allowed to ride in the royal carriage or sit in the royal box.

No names, no pack drill.

Willis always had an interest in cinematography, and eventually made his career in documentary film making. His speciality was as a royal watcher.....but there was a more sinister background to this rebellious character. He believed, much in the same way that pylons and mobile telephones are perceived by some to be detrimental to health, that monochromatic film rays pointing towards his subjects over prolonged periods brought about bouts of madness. Experimenting with various filters, Willis attempted to intensify the effects of the emissions. What he was attempting was as close to treason as cinematically possible, yet no-one suspected Bryce Willis.

This is a story that can never be told.

Willis, now an octogenarian, lives in self imposed exile in Belgium, where he can often be seen in Liege parks feeding the ducks, to stray cats."

Monday, August 30, 2010

When Animals Die

The Goat-God Pan became equated with the devil in medieval Christianity. But to medieval occultists especially Rosicrucians the goat symbolized the elemental energies of the earth, the sign of Saturn and the alchemical element derived therefrom.

When our percussionist Hot Stix suffered the passing of his pet goat recently, it had a profound effect on all members of Van Credenza, perhaps even more than the mutilation and murder of ex-bandmate Hilton Coldstream. Difficult times for Stix, who, although he co-composed this number, was too upset to take part in the recording process.

This is our tribute to Pan the Goat, and all the other animals which have unexpectedly left this earth with little warning to their loving owners.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Back to Nature

Under the geodesic dome
Infrared heater, just like home

Glucose filled, and programmed to respond

One of Frank Tovey's first musical instruments was a Grundig reel to reel tape recorder, and although he couldn't master any instrument at a competent level, Mute Records signed him up as their first recording artist in 1979.

Back to Nature was his first single, as Fad Gadget.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nana's Intercostal Chorus

Nana’s Intercostal Chorus is a composition now featuring the triode trumpet, an invention of our newest member Charlotte Dundas. Of course, it is an electronic instrument based on transmitters, receivers and vacuum tubes, but it appears aurally to retain acoustic qualities.

This version is simply instrumental. Van Credenza used to play this as a vocal song in concert, but, sadly, it appears the singer of this tune is no longer with us. He also wrote the words, thus it is now a mystery what the song and title is all about.

But the band have decided to keep this number alive, unlike poor Hilton Coldstream, as it was one of his favourite pieces. Incidentally, another, undetermined ‘piece’ of our departed friend appears to have arrived yesterday.

Regard this as another tribute to Mr Coldstream. The accompanying video would have found favour with Hilton.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Keep Feeling Fascination

This cover version of the Human League number features new electronic trumpet player Charlotte Dundas, who replaces Hilton Coldstream in the Van Credenza band line up. Charlotte, who is openly intersexual, was training to be an Olympic runner, but clashes with the authorities led to a change of career direction.

“Keep Feeling Fascination” was chosen as the first song to be released with Charlotte in the band, in recognition of the medical profession’s fascination with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). As a group, we will say little more on the subject, unless it suits us.

Last week, Hilton’s left foot was delivered to our management offices.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tainted Love: tribute to Hilton Coldstream

Tribute to our perhaps departed sax/2nd bass player, Hilton Coldstream.

Hilton Coldstream


Why the silence lately?

Some Asian fans will know about the sax/2nd bass player from Van Credenza’s disappearance and suspected death in the Far East. Early in June, while making a documentary about his childhood hero Paul Gadd, Hilton Coldstream was abducted at knifepoint close to the Laos/Vietnam border: later that week the rest of the band were individually sent fingers from what we believe to be Hilton’s left hand, and asked by note for a ransom set at 5million Vietnamese Dong.

Clearly this was a shock to us all, as it is unlikely we would be able to find another band member as versatile as Hilton Coldstream: at least not as quickly as we might like to keep up the prodigious output of songs. However, we clung to the hope that the fingers belonged to some other random victim. Further, the band has a policy not to pay any form of ransom over the figure of $50000 in such an event.

Gradually, over the next few days, further body parts were delivered to us. First a few toes, then a knee, a couple of ears and a tongue. Having no way of knowing whether these bits and pieces were actually from Hilton Coldstream, we stood fast in refusing to pay any liberation fee.
Last week, the left hand side of Hilton’s tattooed skull was sent to our management offices. Gradually the realisation came that we have perhaps lost a talented musician, and that 5million Vietnamese Dong is not much more than $300.

Coming soon: our tribute to Hilton Coldstream.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

TBD 036

TBD 036 is a tribute song of sorts, commemorating a terrible disaster over 130 years ago. In fact, Van Credenza dedicates this song to all dreadful calamities. This composition uses as main instrument the bass guitar; in fact 4 bass guitars are layered to produce the exclusive and distinctive tribute sound of TBD 036. The band would like to thank the underrated Willie Mack Comingle for his help and contributions towards this song.


Friday, June 04, 2010

Standing In The Road

Standing In The Road

Twins Tom and David Farmer, and school friend Eddie Golga formed Blackfoot Sue along with Alan Jones in Birmingham (UK) in 1970, but they weren’t a ‘one hit wonder’ band as some believe: they also had a hit with Sing Don’t Speak (number 36) a few months after Standing In The Road reached number 4 in the charts in 1972. So they were a ‘two hit wonder’.

In later years, after 3 albums, Blackfoot Sue became Liner, then Outside Edge (as a trio), recording 5 further albums, before reincarnating as Blackfoot Sue in 1993.

Van Credenza used a live rattlesnake to record this version, as a tribute to the band’s major named influence, the Blackfoot Sioux tribe of the Lake Michigan region, who extensively used rattlesnakes in their rituals and traditions. Sihasapa (blackfoot) wore black moccasins. Catlin in his Letters and Notes, written during his stay among the northwestern Indians (1832-39), mentions the Blackfoot Sioux as regularly using rattlesnake parts, and live creatures, in every day work and events.


Tuesday, June 01, 2010


The Salmbacha is a fusion of Franco-Latin movements and rhythms, which originated in the Bas-Rhin department of Salmbach in Alsace in north-eastern France during WW2. The tiny settlement of Salmbach housed several Argentine Nazi sympathisers, living under cover close to the German border. These South American sorters organised the escape of several prominent Germans close to the conclusion of the war in Europe: but they whiled away their idle hours dancing with local collaborators, and so the Salmbacha evolved. It is a mysterious dance: this video doesn’t reveal many of the steps, and that is the way it should be.


Friday, May 28, 2010

Instrument of Surrender


We, acting by command of and in behalf of the Emperor of Japan, the Japanese Government and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters, hereby accept the provisions set forth in the declaration issued by the heads of the Governments of the United States, China, and Great Britain on 26 July 1945 at Potsdam, and subsequently adhered to by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which four powers are hereafter referred to as the Allied Powers. ....
...... .... and so on.

And yet........... the USA actually never accepted the Japanese surrender: as such both nations are still at war with each other! Photographs of MacArthur (Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers) at the signing ceremony show that the USA flag was actually displayed backward — reverse side showing, with the stars in the upper right corner. It is generally accepted in learned quarters that the USA had never forgiven Hirohito for Pearl Harbo(u)r, thus the US can, at any point in the future, strike back in revenge at one of the major Japanese ports, such as Yokohama, Kobe or Osaka.

The only thing holding the might of the USA back is the extent of their present trading partnership with the Japanese. But this could change as China tightens a grip on world markets previously dominated by their near neighbour and great enemy.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Most People Love Ice Cream

Most People Love Ice Cream, and frozen custard, frozen yogurt, sorbet, gelato and so on. An ancient invention attributed to the Persians, although enjoyable, ice cream can lead to brain freeze, a recurring illness which reportedly led to Viv Prince leaving the Pretty Things in November 1965. However, shortly afterwards, Prince deputised for Keith Moon of the Who, disproving this particular theory. Viv Price also was thrown out of the Hell’s Angels for indecorous behaviour a few years later, and more recently has been breeding Alsatian dogs in Portugal, where he can often be seen of a hot afternoon enjoying ..................... ice cream!
Most People Love Ice Cream!


Friday, May 21, 2010

Most People Love Ice Cream

Van Credenza have been in a variety of musical locations over the past few days, attempting to locate the correct resonance for their new number, 'Most People Love Ice Cream'.

It's been testy, and it’s getting late, but we communally feel that the song, based on the rhythms of a 1960’s Pretty Things offering, is close to a magnum opus.
Coming soon........

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Gong Farmer

From the times of "torche-culs", handfuls of straw or hay, and the "gomphus" a curved stick, comes The Gong Farmer. Many of these workers died of asphyxiation, or due to infections entering open wounds. After Sir Walter Raleigh was beheaded in 1618, a small tobacco case was found in his cell, bearing the legend “It was my comfort in those miserable times”. Tobacco was also a great comfort to The Gong Farmers, many of whom became very heavy smokers as a defence to their line of work.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


M.O.D.: a number owing a great debt to the phenomenon of synchronicity

Reportedly, Stavely Makepeace alter ego Lieutenant Pigeon wrote a song in protest at the introduction of decimalised currency to the UK on 15th February, 1971. It took quite a while to reach UK number one, via its use on a Belgian current affairs programme (eventually topping the chart from 14th October, 1972 for 4 weeks). Coincidentally, the UK had introduced the 50p coin, in anticipation of decimalisation 3 years previously, on 14th October, 1969.

However, in later years, 57 year old pianist Hilda Woodward revealed her involvement had been on the understanding that the song related to her concerns about the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China signing a mutual defence treaty…… on 15th February, 1950, when Hilda, in her mid thirties, feared another global conflict, having survived the severe bombing on her home town of Coventry in 1940. She wrote to the Ministries of Defence in a variety of nations, receiving no replies.

The original title of the song Mouldy Old Dough was M.O.D.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Miami Weiss

Miami Weiss is claimed to be a traditional Germenn Hefeweizen or Weissbier, with banana and clove aroma and flavour. How can this be? How could an ale with such a title be ‘traditional’ or ‘established’?

Certainly the beer appears to have been produced in accordance with the German Purity Laws, but Van Credenza feel a degree uneasy about these two terms, ‘German’ and ‘purity’ being juxtaposed. Don’t mention the war!

1. Steep your grains @ 155° for 30 min
2. Add 1# of extract, stir well
3. Bring to a rolling boil
4. Throw in your hops, set time for 50 min
5. At 50 min take off heat and stir in the rest of your extract
6. Bring back to boil and hold there for 10 min
7. Cool wort to 65-75° and add your yeast

Walt Weiss played ball for the Miami Merlins in the early 1990’s.


Friday, May 07, 2010

The Tall Man

Who is The Tall Man?

Don Coscarelli wrote, produced and directed a highly influential film during the 1970’s, where a small town is threatened by zombie dwarfs under the control of ‘The Tall Man’. Eventually, the Tall Man is entombed in a mine shaft……… or is he? The film was released in Australia as Never Dead, although as a general release it was known as Phantasm.


Thursday, May 06, 2010

Meeting with the Akicita

Van Credenza entered into pow wow with the akicita (peacekeepers) who always speak with owatamla (straight tongue). We all took a journey on the shunke canku (iron horse). Until recently, one was a pahaska – a longhair – the other is still a medicine man (pejula wacasa or diyi). They were zunta with Van Credenza, and suggested an alteration to UltraBoom.

That alteration is available here:


Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Hanno the Navigator

Libyophoenician culture establishment was a major purpose of Hanno (the navigator). He led up to 30,000 people in a Carthaginian venture to colonise north and west Africa, perhaps as far as present day Gambia, in an attempt to control trade in that sector.

During his voyages, Hanno encountered a savage, unkempt, long-haired race of Africans on an island: his armies were unable to capture any males who were so numerous and savage that they could not be taken alive. Three females were taken, but they too were so ferocious that they had to be killed.

This tribute celebrates Hanno’s encounters with that violent hirsute foe.


Friday, April 30, 2010


A very influential number to Van Credenza and much of the hip-hop movement, described as such by Afrika Bambaataa and the Sugarhill Gang, Apache has been covered, sampled and mashed by a huge variety of artists. Bert Weedon, rather than The Shadows, initially recorded the tune, although the sample used here is from The Ventures.

Although normally an instrumental, Van Credenza utilises Red Indian backing singers for parts of this rendering: listen carefully, they tell a story.

Monday, April 26, 2010


A song written to beta titanium standards, but is it hydraulic? We incorporate funky house sounds with driving rhythms to recreate the noise of ariel work platforms in a golfing context.

Or does this concern the increasing prosperity of millions of Asian workers?

This is the opposite of silence, and the world can now listen to the clamour.



Wednesday, April 21, 2010

19th Nervous Breakdown

"19th Nervous Breakdown" has only been officially released in monophonic sound by the Rolling Stones, like many early Stones recordings. Not many other artists have recorded this song, apart from Peruvian Quechua language band Runa Simi. However, Van Credenza's interpretation is vastly different from both of these known versions.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

No Cakes

There are no cakes in this tune and film: no fancy bakes either.


Thursday, April 08, 2010

20th Century Boy

This version of the famous T Rex song owes a greater gratitude to Drain STH’s version. A melodic metal band based in Stockholm, Sweden, this all female quartet surpassed, to the mind of Van Credenza, the original Visconti produced Bolan offering.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

All Day And All Of The Night

All Day And All Of The Night has been a much-loved number of Van Credenza for many years: this is our attempt at covering the protopunk favourite. Flunk, the Norwegian electronic specialists, also recorded All Day And All Of The Night in 2005, but their version was more a remix than a cover. This interpretation relies on influences from the original recording stars, The Kinks, and contemporary artists such as Flunk, Serbian hard rock musicians Cactus Jack, and Albanian experimental duo Arnavutluk.


Monday, March 29, 2010


Wasteland is a collaborative effort, with lyrics by Newton N. Minow. They are as follows:

"When television is good, nothing — not the theater, not the magazines or newspapers — nothing is better.
But when television is bad, nothing is worse. I invite you to sit down in front of your television set when your station goes on the air and stay there, for a day, without a book, without a magazine, without a newspaper, without a profit and loss sheet or a rating book to distract you. Keep your eyes glued to that set until the station signs off. I can assure you that what you will observe is a vast wasteland.
You will see a procession of game shows, formula comedies about totally unbelievable families, blood and thunder, mayhem, violence, sadism, murder, western bad men, western good men, private eyes, gangsters, more violence, and cartoons. And endlessly commercials — many screaming, cajoling, and offending. And most of all, boredom. True, you'll see a few things you will enjoy. But they will be very, very few. And if you think I exaggerate, I only ask you to try it."

Mr Minow’s contribution is unconscious.


Monday, March 22, 2010


The Earth is at the centre of a sphere of infinite extent on which the stars, planets, and other divine bodies are located. This Firmament above us extends to the Empyrean, which contains the pure element of fire.


Monday, March 15, 2010

17 Miles


The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European laboratory for particle physics near Geneva: is this the world's most ambitious scientific experiment? Or is it a potential threat to survival?

Van Credenza wonders why governments who seek to control many facets of our lives in the name of protecting the population and the planet thinks we should gleefully accept paying multi millions to delve into Quark, Strangeness And Charm.

C'est pas sorcier.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Caution, Warning

Caution, Warning
Unauthorised personnel must remain outside
Take care when visiting this location
Unauthorised persons may be operating here
Heed warnings- avoid unknown materials
Don't touch- keep hands by sides


Van Credenza working in this area

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Three Weeks

Germany, Norway, Belgium.

This gentle refrain is based on fused pianos and synthesisers, in the key of G.

Monday, March 08, 2010


Icicles: how do I get to communicate like this to you? I just do.

This is an exercise video: make sure you take part in the entire programme.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Visit to Club Robotnik

Visit to Club Robotnik

An astonishing and wonderful occurrence recently: a visit to Club Robotnik! The city’s best kept secret, Club Robotnik both soothes and soars: this was one of the finest nights of the past year. Surprised beyond belief, but full of joy as the consequence of the evening, Van Credenza recreates the happening here for one and all to experience.


Friday, February 26, 2010

False Indigeny

"Why should I worry about being thoughtful? What'll it get me? In this world, it's every man for himself."

The didjeridu is skilfully operated for this number, which also employs apparatus volte-faced, a trend commonly admired by the Van Credenza players.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Heavy metal, accompanied by the Van Credenza approach: best listened to via stereo headphones, Blackfish created vocal troubles to the group, but the final result is one of alliance and conformity.

I am the Blackfish
Cot Ta Wa Man Go
We are not buckeyes
On the Ohio

Cot Ta Wa Man Go
On the Scioto
Shawnee Kentucky
Up to Ohio

Flesh of our flesh now
Blood of our blood now
Bone of our bone now
Chalaka man now

You took our fine soil
You took our water
You took our clean sky
Blackfish took Callaway

Respect & honour,
He is our turtleback
Shawnee Scioto
No no no Cornstalk

Cot Ta Wa Man Go
Friend Moses Henry
Son Daniel Boone
I am the Blackfish


Monday, February 22, 2010

Central High Carnival

Here's visual and musical advice for making your part in the human courtship ritual as easy, fun, and successful as possible.


Friday, February 19, 2010



Van Credenza does not shy away from complicated or unfashionable issues. In some parts of the world, malaria is endemic: it is present every day, as a killer and debilitator.

24/7 is a distasteful idiom to Van Credenza. Thus to tackle the awkward topic of malaria, a piece was produced corresponding to and enduring for 247 seconds.

This is not easy listening.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010


This Glasshouse aspires to combine a cosmopolitan fusion of inspirations from all over the world with a selection of flute related resonances. The flutes in this case are schooners, beakers and goblets. Kalimbas, likembes and mbiras compliment the standard ceramic and glass melodies.


Thursday, February 11, 2010


Health, Posture, Cleanliness, Neatness

Fitness and vigour, coupled with a spirited deportment are keys to a happy life. Of course, sanitation and purity will also profit the individual, as will orderliness and a keen sense of organisation. Van Credenza sets a fine example.

Monday, February 08, 2010


Glamer is an old Scottish word. It had two meanings. The first, ‘noise’ can be perfectly applied to this Van Credenza contribution. But a glamer is also the visual influence of a trinket or adornment, which can force people see things differently from what they are: to transmit a glamer is to cause visible trickery. Combining noise and trickery, Van Credenza moves back in time to an age of glitter rock.

Please note: after symposium with advisers, Van Credenza decided to remix this number exploiting additional drums and sirens.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Cartoon Rock

Cartoon Rock, Jukebox Rock....Glam Rock! Van Credenza has been freshly pondering over that particular field, with the intention of contemporising a style which all but disappeared 35 years ago. 35 years will become 50, and 50 then one hundred, a century, unless work is completed and sent out to the masses.

For this song, we've decided to make the video initially, and then match in the disposition of the music.

One song may be all it takes.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Java Cakes

There's a saying in Java: "It is our imperfections that make us perfect". The pelog style helps us understand this. This brings a very "iridescent" resonance to this piece, almost restless in quality. Damaged, yet something sounds true. This Indonesian style only exploits 7 notes, but has been combined here with standard scales on bass and guitar.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Knocking On

Repeated frustrations and disappointments are always a reflection of repeated misunderstandings and presumptions.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hollow Skies

Iggy Pop mentions ‘hollow sky’ five times in his song ‘The Passenger’. Yet I’ve never felt James Osterberg makes clear what these ‘hollow skies’ actually signify. Van Credenza set about clarifying with this ambient piece. La la la la.. lala la la [x3]

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sharp Senses

Viewing a documentary about creatures, the broadcaster repeated the phrase ‘sharp senses’ when describing the aptitude of the animal. This offered the momentum for the music, which is indicative in method of striding forth with a persistent demeanour.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Periodic difficulties in viewing Van Credenza videos are being experienced by some visitors.

Friday, January 22, 2010

White Blood Cider

Using the ‘Next Blog’ option above, I stumbled upon some quite incredible abstract works at which provided the influence for the conceptual piece shown above. The configuration of this artwork can almost be experienced through the screen. This work’s idiosyncratic characteristics lend the thought of an irregular melody and distinctive rhythm.
Van Credenza presents “White Blood Cider”.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Like Success

This tune identifies with the 1970’s Glam or Glitter Rock period, a post hippie age of flamboyance and clothes which didn’t quite fit. Although very British, the Glam movement had roots in old US movies and was later inspired by Andy Warhol’s creations. I particularly liked the science fiction allusions of the genre.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Pinkeye no assassination,
Pinkeye no elimination,
Pinkeye no eradication,
Pinkeye no obliteration.

Four dogs guard Napoleon’s bed,
Pinkeye guard him when he fed,
Pinkeye work as victual cleanser,
Pinkeye work as a credenza.

Pinkeye born under wandrin’ star.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010



They insulate from water and insulate from weather
A very complex integumentary structure is the feather

They may also be plucked to line the nest
And keep birds warm from tail to breast

Skeleton or plumage, what’s heavier, whether
You might be surprised the answer is feathers

They form a helpful covering
And help the bird’s mothering

Rarely are there feathers on legs
But they help the birds protect their eggs

Monday, January 11, 2010


"Use your imagination to forget what's bothering you and be inspired by every pet animal, bird, or insect that crosses your path."

Christie's Yellow River was a major inspiration for this song. Three bass guitars were used in production, with the words spoken by an employee of San Diego Zoo. Living creatures are important elements in many Van Credenza songs. The video for the number includes a fuzzy clip from outside Blackpool Pleasure Beach, plus Vintage Fairlight VJ Loops from the 'eighties.

Thursday, January 07, 2010


Created in tribute to Lyngstad Ulvaeus Andersson and Fältskog.

It all started in Cyprus!

I chose sections of film from my travels for this, as most will not know the genesis of one of pop's most influential groups was rooted in a holiday trip, and sheer accidental 'chance'.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010


Encapsulating a life where the need to work and premature death were the only constants.

The Feather Store was where fulmar and gannet feathers were kept, and sold to pay the rent. Seabirds were important diet components of the people from Hirta, who were evacuated in 1930. Disease and 'outside influences' are attributed with this removal of the inhabitants of Hirta.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

The Woodpecker

There are around 200 species of woodpecker, each with eight toes, four on each foot. These are known as zygodactyl feet. But is the Ivory-billed Woodpecker extinct?

Van Credenza

In the 16th century, "credenza" was the tasting of consumables by a servant for an "important" person (like cardinals): this to make sure the food or drink was not poisoned.